Past Events

100 WOMEN DBA – Restorative Justice

In early 2020, a young woman, Mariah Eley, was thrown a racist doll at a large Mardi Gras parade. Mariah was then bullied at school when a newspaper article was published. The 100 WOMEN DBA met to discuss how to address this issue. The Winter Institute was contacted and plans were in place to hold a restorative justice conversation with senior staff member, April Grayson. On Mardi Gras day, the 100 WOMEN DBA crowned Mariah the first queen of its marching krewe, and shortly afterwards the pandemic began and the conversations never had a chance to be held.


100 WOMEN DBA – Love All

To help Mariah Eley’s family with any legal counsel they might need, member Ann Madden created LOVE ALL stickers to be sold at the 100 Men Hall, Smith & Lens, Studio Waveland, Mockingbird Café, and Align Massage Therapy – all proceeds to be given to the family.


100 WOMEN DBA – Keller Street Clean Up

The 100 WOMEN DBA hosted a street clean up on Keller Street off Bookter Street on March 27, 2021. The street had become a dumping site for tires and trash and kudzu was overtaking the area.


100 WOMEN DBA – Food 4 Youth

The 100 WOMEN DBA and Christ Episcopal Church collected, sorted and provided food bags for youth in need on Saturday August 29, 2020 to Hancock Public Libraries and the 100 Men Hall. The bags were available in front of each institution. The food bags contained nonperishable items that could be prepared by youth, personal care items such as shampoo and lotion and notes of encouragement from the NAACP Youth & College Division teens.


100 WOMEN DBA - Listening Booths

The 100 WOMEN DBA, a program under the 100 Men Hall, hosted six listening booths* on Saturday, May 30, 2020 from 1PM to 5PM outside the Hall for members of the community to express themselves about the rash killing of African Americans across the country. Members were invited to Ocean Springs to the lawn of the Mary C. to recreate the listening booths there in June, 2020. *A listening booth is a place where a person is given space to be heard by another member in the community. The listener does not speak and because this was during the pandemic, wore a mask for safe practice. Anyone in the community who wanted to express themselvesabout these tragic events were welcomed.


100 WOMEN DBA – Women For Progress March

The 100 WOMEN DBA invited the community to march with them in a peaceful protest about the killing of Black people in the United States on Friday, June 19, 2020. Studio Waveland invited marchers to make signs the Tuesday prior, and Ann Madden offered free family portraits to any Black families prior to the march (all photos were made available to the families at no cost). The route for the march started at the steps of 100 Men Hall and continued down South Necaise Avenue to Main Street ending at Hancock Country Courthouse on 152 Main Street. All city officials were invited to attend, Police Chief Gary Ponthieux Jr was the sole city official who came and spoke.



Through 100 WOMEN DBA membership, you help support our institutional mission to preserve an African American historical landmark and present meaningful cultural and musical experiences that inspire the community on the Mississippi Coast. 


About 100 WOMEN DBA

The 100 WOMEN DBA membership organization reimagines the 100 Men DBA that organized in 1894 to help and heal the community. It focuses on women because no progress could have been made without the daily actions of countless unheralded women who make the magic happen. 

Becoming a Member

Whether you come to the Hall once a year for your favorite event or you find yourself here more often, the benefit of being a member is you have members-only pricing for rentals, free admission to any event the Hall hosts, and access to a support system of women who are as diverse as the region and offer community and connection. 

Past Events

The 100 WOMEN DBA has been responsive to the community by actively using our voice, listening, marching and organizing skills.

Krewe of 100 WOMEN DBA

The Krewe of 100 WOMEN DBA marches with the oldest African American Krewe on the MS Coast - Krewe of Real People Next Generation - all on Mardi Gras day.

Scholarship Program

The 100 WOMEN DBA awards scholarships annually to provide a financial boost to five young women of color graduating from Hancock high schools.

Mentoring Program

The 100 WOMEN DBA seeks to levy the members collective resources to address both the gender and racial biases that women of color have faced for generations. Please contact the membership organization through if you are interested in the mentorship program.