The Krewe of 100 Women DBA

The Krewe of Real People next generation is part of a long line of Mardi Gras krewes in the Bay Saint Louis African American community. Every year, the KORP ng marches on Fat Tuesday. The Krewe of 100 WOMEN DBA began marching with the Krewe in 2020. 

Members are welcome to march with 100 WOMEN DBA every Mardi Gras, meeting first at the Hall at 11AM, at noon crowning our King or Queen, and at 1PM lining up with the KORP ng. 



Through 100 WOMEN DBA membership, you help support our institutional mission to preserve an African American historical landmark and present meaningful cultural and musical experiences that inspire the community on the Mississippi Coast. 


About 100 WOMEN DBA

The 100 WOMEN DBA membership organization reimagines the 100 Men DBA that organized in 1894 to help and heal the community. It focuses on women because no progress could have been made without the daily actions of countless unheralded women who make the magic happen. 

Becoming a Member

Whether you come to the Hall once a year for your favorite event or you find yourself here more often, the benefit of being a member is you have members-only pricing for rentals, free admission to any event the Hall hosts, and access to a support system of women who are as diverse as the region and offer community and connection. 

Past Events

The 100 WOMEN DBA has been responsive to the community by actively using our voice, listening, marching and organizing skills.

Krewe of 100 WOMEN DBA

The Krewe of 100 WOMEN DBA marches with the oldest African American Krewe on the MS Coast - Krewe of Real People Next Generation - all on Mardi Gras day.

Scholarship Program

The 100 WOMEN DBA awards scholarships annually to provide a financial boost to five young women of color graduating from Hancock high schools.

Mentoring Program

The 100 WOMEN DBA seeks to levy the members collective resources to address both the gender and racial biases that women of color have faced for generations. Please contact the membership organization through if you are interested in the mentorship program.