Women For Progress March by 100 WOMEN DBA

Bay Saint Louis, MS

The 100 WOMEN DBA invited the community to march in a peaceful protest about the killing of Black people in the United States on Friday, June 19, 2020. The 100 WOMEN DBA is the membership organization for 100 Men Hall and seeks to levy the members collective privileges and resources to level the playing field for under-represented women to empower and support them in their business endeavors and provide scholarships for high school graduates. 

Studio Waveland invited marchers to make signs the Tuesday prior, and Ann Madden offered free family portraits to any Black families prior to the march (all photos were made available to the families at no cost).

The route for the march started at the steps of 100 Men Hall and continued down South Necaise Avenue to Main Street ending at Hancock Country Courthouse on 152 Main Street. All city officials were invited to attend, Police Chief Gary Ponthieux Jr was the sole city official who came and spoke.


Where:          303 Union Street, Bay Saint Louis, MS - Outside the Hall

When:           Friday, June 19, 2020 at 5PM to 6PM

Distance:      0.8 miles – 15 minute walk