
Jimbo Mathus

Jimbo Mathus

During the month of June 2022, Tin Shed artist in residence Jimbo Mathus and local artist Dale Pohl offered a month-long community (free) workshop for 25 children, ages 7-20 at the 100 Men Hall to educate and commemorate the Hall’s centennial anniversary. 

“A Blues Chronicle'' – with a custom-designed marionette stage - used art and music to foster a deeper appreciation for the culture, music and history of the 100 Men Hall community and its lasting impact on Bay Saint Louis and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 

Click to watch the FILM

This project was supported by the MEMBERS of Coast Electric through Operation Round Up and their Community Trust, in partnership with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation 

Oxford born Jimbo Mathus, artist, storyteller and musician was in residence at the 100 Men Hall’s Tin Shed during the entire month of June and collaborated with Bay Saint Louis resident, Dale Pohl, artist and art teacher. 

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