Sale price$80.00
Size: Fine cotton paper that is 20x20 @ $80

James Booker, Bayou Maharajah 8' x 8' painting, created by artist Scott Bullock for the 100 Men Hall's annual Booker Fest. 

The art print has the 100 Men Hall logo and is fine cotton paper that is 10x10 or 20x20.

Founded in 1894 by 12 civic-minded African American Bay Saint Louis residents whose goal was to “assist its members when sick, bury its dead in a respectable manner, and knit friendship” the Hall grew to become a robust performance venue included on “the chitlin circuit”, an historic nationwide network of performance spaces, and a stop on the Mississippi Blues Trail map.

An 8’ x 8’ mural, James Booker Bayou Maharajah, by artist Scott Bullock is inside the Hall. Bullock is a multifaceted artist with a wide variety of artistic talents. An award winning illustrator, graphic designer, caricature artist, sculptor, and painter, his unique style is instantly recognizable.